Code of Conduct

CCC strives to maintain a high standard of business ethics and expects its employees to conduct business with high moral and ethical standards. The following are simply examples of violations of professional conduct and are not intended to be an all inclusive list of violations, nor do they cover all situations:

Employees shall refrain from:

Code of conduct violations may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

CCC may use several types of discipline depending upon the frequency and/or seriousness of the violation which may include a verbal warning, written warning, suspension or termination.

These disciplinary steps may be taken in any order, in any combination or none of them prior to termination.

Certain performance issues may result in an employee being placed on a “Performance Improvement Plan” where the employee is required to meet and sustain performance objectives within a defined period of time. Failure to satisfactorily meet the objectives may result in termination.