CCC News & Insights

Get Back to Basics – Reignite Your Capture Efforts

By: Kelly Reyna, Senior ELEVATE Advisor

Broadly speaking, the multiple week (or even months!) backlogs from a few years ago have been reduced, and a lot of shops have approached us for ideas on how to drive more business.

Building awareness and attracting new customers is important but making the most of opportunities to CAPTURE that business is a key to long-term success.

Capture Always Matters

Leading shops keep their team focused on what they do best: following up on leads, scheduling estimates, and capturing repairs. That level of service and commitment shouldn't change whether you are booked out for weeks or have immediate availability; prevent potential bad habits from forming.

Customer capture isn’t just about filling your schedule. It also means creating a loyal customer base that returns for service and refers others to your shop. Generating repeat customers is the easiest job to do because you have already conquered the hardest part – winning their trust. A well-developed relationship with your clients can make all the difference in ensuring they choose your shop for their collision repair needs.

And building this trust then creates - you guessed it - more opportunities for customer capture.

The Hidden Capture Gems

OK, capture is important. But you may ask, "Where do I start?" Good news: there are two places to find hidden gems: assignments that don't become estimates and overdue appointments.

Start with data you already have – how many assignments from your DRPs didn't become estimates? Do you know why? People are busy and many times the damages to their vehicle are not significant enough to prioritize the call to the repair facility. Take that task off their plate and call them first. Leverage text and email and offer online scheduling or photo estimates. Remove the roadblocks that can delay scheduling the estimate and the repair.

Next, look at overdue appointments. When work is flowing, these often go by the wayside.  

But you’ve already worked to get the customer's commitment. If they don’t show, reach out the same day to rectify the situation and demonstrate your attentiveness. A simple follow-up shows your customer that you care about their needs, setting the stage for ongoing communication throughout the repair process.

Customer Experience and Capture

The customer experience is always an important topic for shops, and  a key way to capture more business.

If you want to differentiate your shop, focus on two things: Empathy and Education.

Many customers entering your shop may have never experienced an accident before and may not know the ins and outs of the repair process, including dealing with rentals and deductibles. By providing clear information at each step, you can demystify the process for them.

First-time customers are often cautious when selecting a repair shop, especially since they are entrusting you with their vehicle and the safety of their families. Open communication is critical in fostering customer relationships. Speak to your customers as if they are friends or neighbors, offering a welcoming and familiar touch that puts them at ease. This approach helps customers feel less like a transaction and more like a valued member of your community.

When you lead with empathy and education, you’re more likely to capture their current business, future business, and potential referrals.

Building your customer base should be an "always on" activity: capture the job, win the customer’s trust, and create more potential business. As the dynamics of the market continue to evolve, staying true to the principles of empathy, education, and excellent service will ensure that your business not only survives, but thrives.