Seven Habits of Highly Effective Recovery Professionals

Figuring out your stride in any job or industry will increase productivity for you as well as your company. The question is, how?

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Recovery Professionals

Figuring out your stride in any job or industry will increase productivity for you as well as your company. The question is, how?

  1. Understand and manage priorities
  2. Keep a balanced workload
  3. Keep commonly used items at your fingertips
  4. Know where and who to go to for questions
  5. Be confident in your process and decisions
  6. Become an expert
  7. Always have something to strive towards

Now that these steps are identified, let’s look into how to put them into practice.

Everyone will manage tasks differently and determine their priorities. The key is effectively utilizing them. For example, your first task of the day may be to check voicemails. Once reviewed, identify files that need immediate action and work those. If the remaining messages can wait, put them aside and work on your next task. Typically, that would be new files. While prioritizing, you may also need to give yourself a cutoff time. This will allow time to give yourself a break from the same task but also ensures that you will get the next item off your list.

Work the most challenging files first. If you have busy work, save that for the afternoon. By scheduling your day this way, you will be able to create a new and more productive way of working.

Balancing your workload starts will appropriate diary assignments. Which can mean over OR under assigning tasks. Over assigning can lead to stress about how your tasks, meaning diaries and other work, will get completed. It may mean other tasks don’t or can’t get accomplished. Which pushes those files to the next day, and possibly the next day until diaries are unmanageable. Interestingly, under assigning of claims can have the same effect. Without enough work to do, it is easier to get distracted or spend too much time overthinking an easy solution. Make sure to factor in that there will almost always be a distraction or disruption in your day. Set diaries to account for meetings, new files, last-minute mediations, or other interruptions that can come up during the workday. Finding the correct number of diaries to stay productive will increase productivity and effectiveness.

Shortcuts seem simple enough but are often underutilized. If there is a document that is commonly used, don’t bury it in a folder. Keep the document on your desktop and easily accessible. If you find yourself consistently updating form letters, make sure you have a copy on hand that you can make use of or paste specific verbiage into a notice. A list of contacts should be at your fingertips, whether it is a list of insurance carriers, attorneys, or other analysts. Also, keeping common statutes and rules for specific states or lines of business at the ready is helpful. Why dig through papers, folders, or emails for items you use every day?

Using your time searching for or thinking about who to contact for questions isn’t a valuable way to allocate your time. First, assess why you don’t know. Are there multiple contacts, is your primary contact out of the office, are you unsure if they can help? Start by having a list, either a physical, written list, or a document on your desktop. Make sure it is easy to understand and reference. If person A is out of the office, then person B is next in line. If they are both out, what is the next step? Define the contacts by line of business, client or insured, and specialty.

Second-guessing and overanalyzing can lead to delays in output. Be confident in your decision making.

Although this one is most likely beyond your control, using an efficient, intuitive claims system will positively impact how efficient your daily workload can be. If your company does not have a subrogation driven system, keep pushing for small changes and work with what you have in the most efficient manner possible. Learn shortcuts and talk to other subrogation professionals about their tricks.

Finally, set and reach for your own goals. A financial goal will most likely be set for you, so pick other long or short term goals. Write them down and check them off as they are completed.