Processor (CPU)
Rec: 2.2 GHz or faster multi-core
Min: 3.0 GHz single core -or- 2.0 GHz multi core
Memory (RAM)
Rec: 8 GB or more
Min: 4 GB or more
Hard Disk Free Space
Rec: 50 GB or more available and 30% or more of total capacity free
Min: At least 10 GB available and 20% of total capacity free
Disk Space Requirements
Recommended Operating System(s) and Service Packs
- Microsoft Windows 11: Service Pack N/A
- Microsoft Windows 10: Service Pack N/A
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 (x86 Platform only): Service Pack N/A
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016: Service Pack N/A
Supported Web Browsers
CCC recommends “evergreen” browsers that update automatically such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Internet Connection
Rec: High-speed broadband. 3.0M down or faster / 768k up or faster
Min: High-speed broadband. 768k down / 384k up Note: Some features and functionality may not perform as designed while in an impaired connectivity state (E.g. dropped wireless connection, extreme latency, etc…)
Display Card
Capable of High-Color 16-bit or more when set to a 1024×768 resolution
Display Monitor
1024×768 resolution or better
USB ports as required for Printer and/or Camera.
Windows-compatible laser or inkjet printer (non-postscript)
Windows compatible backup device. Not required but recommended. (CCC® Estimating only)
A digital camera that supports any of the following formats: .jpg, .gif, or .bmp.
Must be Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) compliant
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Total Loss and other Reports
Adobe Reader version 6.0.1 or greater